Title of Meeting:
The Arrythmia Congress with International Participation
Venue :
Titanic Mardan Palace Convention Center, Belek, Antalya
Date :
17-19 December 2021
Language of Congress :
Language of Congress will be Turkish. Simultaneous interpretation will be available in sessions where international participants attend.
Badges :
It is highly requested for safety and security reasons that all our participants and companies have their badges on when entering the Convention Centre as well as during scientific sessions, lunches, in stand areas and other social programs on 17-19 December 2021.
Stand Area :
The stand area of the pharmaceutical industry, medical companies and publishing houses will be open from 08:00 to 18:30 hours through the Congress.
Certificate of Participation :
Participation Certificates will be handed to all participants who register for the Congress in the final day of the Congress, 19 December 2021. You can get your participation certificates at the registration desks.
Rating :
All sessions of the Congress will be rated by the Rating Board of Continuous Medical Training of Turkish Union of Physicians.
Organizational Secretariat :
The organization committee has appointed Invictus Tourism Co. as the Official Agency of the Congress. Please apply to Invictus Congress Co. for any request about the Congress at [email protected].
Registration Desk :
Registration desk will start to be operational in Titanic Mardan Palace Convention Center on 17 December 2021 and will be at your service from 07:30 to 22:00 hours on 17-19 December 2021.